Collecting the post this morning I noticed a package for me, this is unusual, and the only thing I thought it could be was my book for this project, however I only sent it off to be published 5 days ago and it was said that it would take nearly 20 working days to arrive.
On opening however I found that it was my book. I am extremely happy with how the book has turned out, all of the letters are clear to read and the photographs have come out well. I also think that the design of the book looks professional.
I have found a mistake in the book, where I wrote 'eleven' instead of 'sixteen'. Unfortunately I did not catch this when I re-read the book, and because of the file type on the computer, I was unable to send it to someone else to catch any mistakes that I had missed.
This morning, I uploaded the book file onto Blurb's website and then paid to get the book published and sent to me when it is completed. The book itself was only £3, however for the cheapest postage and packaging it was £7 and so came to £10 in the end, but to get a book for this project, I think that this is worth it. For this postage and packaging it is estimated that it will take approximately 15 days to arrive (after the 5-6 days it will take for printing), however this option is not trackable, therefore I am taking a risk, but for trackable the postage was a great deal more and I didn't think it was worth it.
Now I just have to wait.
Arranging the book on the software took longer than expected due to a number of family birthdays as well as revision for my GCSEs meaning that I didn't have as much time to work on it. Luckily, the software is straightforward and user friendly so I was able to get a lot done when I had chance to work on the book.
It took a lot of rearranging to get all of the writing and photos in the right place and then I had to do extra pieces of writing such as the introduction and acknowledgements to include in the book, but I have managed to create something I am pleased with and that I think will look good in book form.
Now that I have received all of the letters and photos I have been able to scan them all in. Some took a few attempts so that the handwriting would show up clearly so that you could read it, but I want to show the handwritten letters as being handwritten as it gives variety and shows that somebody did actually write them and mean what they said.
I've finally got all of my letters in - while there are not as many as I was first hoping for (I've received 22 letters) I feel that I have a good amount to be working in and will not make the final book to think, therefore making it less expensive to publish. I've received a good range of letters - from friends at school, from friends at Arts Award, friends of friends, family members and teachers and so I think this gives a little variety and the difference in age means that the letters won't all be the same.
I'm also pleased that all of the letters are different lengths and have all taken a different approach in writing to their younger self.
On the other hand, I have only received 6 photos which is slightly disappointed (though I had comments from some of the adults that they didn't have suitable photographs which is understandable.)