Arts Practice and Pathways

For this section of my Silver Arts Award I decided to investigate local youth theatre groups in my area, especially the Central Youth Theatre which is based in Newhampton, Wolverhampton and which is celebrating its 25 year anniversary. The organisation does not have a leaflet so I couldn't include this but I have tried to gain as much information as possible about the theatre from visiting the organisation and from their website: Central Youth Theatre.

I also attended a 'Careers in the Arts Day' where I was able to talk to and get information from around 3 professionals, one of which is featured in this section, Ken Rock, a scriptwriter, which gave a diversity and a different outlook on to work in the theatre and on television and from which I was able to gain a lot of information about options at university and after education, as well as tips for a career.

To present this information I compiled a powerpoint presentation so that the information was clear and to the point, and I showed this to the rest of my Arts Award group.

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Photos from when I shared my presentation: